Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sketching Movement / Portraits


Our Drawing class is awesome and a big credit goes to the ARTkids that participate in it. Drawing may not seem as fun or as glamorous as painting however learning to draw (and all of the skills that go with it) really takes the ability to create art of any kind to the next level, so kudos!

The first half of our class this week was dedicated to the art of sketching the human body in motion.  Sketching is really a skill that has to be worked on in order to get the hang of it. When sketching we learned to draw lightly on the paper with loose and fast motions.  Our goal with sketching is to create the basic form and movement of what we're drawing while avoiding detail or shading until the very end. Details and hard outlines are last thing that we put on paper and that's only after we have the exact form that we want through sketching.

Once we filled up a few pages with some pretty cool sketches, we used our drawing and shading skills/techniques that we learned in the previous class to create a portrait.  Of course we sketched out our image first before adding in all of the details that really make portraits come to life.  The last thing that we did was shade our portrais using hatching, cross hatching, and blending.  Great Class!  #artkidsinc