Friday, January 31, 2014

Animal Grids

In our painting class we learned about how to create and use a grid.  The grid method is a way of transposing an image from one piece of paper to another without the use of technology.  For our class, each student chose an animal to draw and then using the grid method created their very own drawings of the animals.

Next the students used black paint to outline the animal and paint the details before painting the background.  The last thing we did was paint our animals and they really came out great!  #artkidsinc

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sketching Movement / Portraits


Our Drawing class is awesome and a big credit goes to the ARTkids that participate in it. Drawing may not seem as fun or as glamorous as painting however learning to draw (and all of the skills that go with it) really takes the ability to create art of any kind to the next level, so kudos!

The first half of our class this week was dedicated to the art of sketching the human body in motion.  Sketching is really a skill that has to be worked on in order to get the hang of it. When sketching we learned to draw lightly on the paper with loose and fast motions.  Our goal with sketching is to create the basic form and movement of what we're drawing while avoiding detail or shading until the very end. Details and hard outlines are last thing that we put on paper and that's only after we have the exact form that we want through sketching.

Once we filled up a few pages with some pretty cool sketches, we used our drawing and shading skills/techniques that we learned in the previous class to create a portrait.  Of course we sketched out our image first before adding in all of the details that really make portraits come to life.  The last thing that we did was shade our portrais using hatching, cross hatching, and blending.  Great Class!  #artkidsinc

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Movement / Human Body Sketch


Drawing movement and the human body is one of the most important things for an artist to learn.  Our drawing class today will introduce both of these topics as our ARTkids learn to do very quick skethes of the human body in various motions.  This isn't about creating a detailed drawing but more about capturing a subject in it's natural state of movement. Each sketch will take no longer than 60 seconds so students will have a chance to create a bunch of them while really getting the hang of it.  #artkidsinc

Friday, January 24, 2014

Color Mixing & Landscapes

To start class we learned about primary and secondary colors, specifically how to mix primary colors to make a secondary color.  Next we learned about landscape painting and how to create texture with the way that you use your paint brush or sponge.  With that new knowledge our ARTkids were given only the three primary colors and we're tasked with painting their very own landscapes.  

Using the three colors students began to mix to develop the colors that they needed for their paintings.  They painted the sky and water using a variety of blues why the got very creative with painting leaves and flowers by using bright colors and texture creating techniques!  Great class! #artkidsinc

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snow Day Craft: Ballerina Snowflakes!

Hey ARTparents! How are we doing in this snowy January weather? Looking for something to do with the children? Try out this Snowflake Ballerina craft!

  • Colored paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Print of ballerina silhouette

1) Trace the print of your ballerina which you can draw yourself or find online.

2) Cut out a snowflake

3) Decorate

4) Stick the ballerina in between the snowflake and glue it


Simple and easy right?!

Hope this holds you all over until our first ARTkids Craft Class! Look out for the first session!

Keep warm!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Shading Techniques & Value Scale

This week ARTkids wrapped up our very first week of our drawing and painting courses!
On Tuesday, our drawing students were definitely challenged with learning about outlines, shapes, and shading techniques.  Each student learned how to use shapes to create the human face and body, we also covered various shading techniques which each student adapted and nearly perfected to create their own character!
On Thursday, our painting students were introduced to color mixing and the value scale.  We asked each student to mix their own colors (after being given only black and white paint) and then to draw and paint a ball on a table, which each student did amazingly and in great variation!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Painting 101

Painting 101 was an absolute blast.  Each student received a flat canvas, paint brush and the three primary colors with the simple instructions of painting stripes across the canvas.  Within minutes each kid had completely mixed all of their colors and created something new and unique on their canvases.  Next we had every student draw the first letter of their name, we helped them cut it out and then they picked one solid color to paint it, and then glued it on their canvases, the results were really cool and original!

Next up is the beginning of our 8 week courses, launching next week! #artkidsinc

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Drawing 101

'Great things have small beginnings' 
ARTkids officially hosted its first Drawing Class with some amazingly talented students and we couldn't be more excited! Each student completed their very own 'Op Art Cube' fully drawing and coloring in each side of the cube.  The next assignment was a fun team builder, where each student begun a drawing on a seperate page before passing their work to the student to their right, this went on every few minutes or so until the drawing were complete.
Next up is Thursday's Painting 101 Class and then the launch of our 8 week courses beginning next week! #artkidsinc